people see media as a 'soft' subject compared to other 'hard' subjects like chemistry or physics and some call it a 'Mickey Mouse' subject.
angry parents accuse schools of 'dumbing down' subjects such as English by showing them Simpsons instead of Shakespearian work and complain that media is the 'equivalent to x factor!'
Concerned parents want to protect their children against the media as it brainwashes them into accepting certain ideologies like 'size 0' is the norm in celebrity culture. Also the pre-occupation with violence, sex which is uncensored and constantly in the media.
Questions raised were:
- is it a serious subject?
- is it a 'soft' option?
- can you get a job in the media in the future? ( although theres evidence that 2/3 people that leave university find themselves job within the media industry in roughly 6 months)
Online media, Cleggmania, and the Cowell Factor - Julian McDougall
David Gauntlett- media 2.0 a more interactive form of emedia where people express themselves thorugh social netowrking sites, download songs from..thus leading to the end of traditional methods of doing things the longer the way. he argues that the media plays a role in construction of identitiy, but not that big in relation to other aspects of social experience.
even the younger generation are on 'Club Penguin' :O
Simon Cowell has the power to change peoples lives. (hegemony)
Perfecting your production work
- when looking at research look at real examples think about conventions, audience and institutions
- when planning show the process of the 'journey' and prepare yourself for anything that could go wrong
- keep a record of your blogging of pics/clips linked to your text
- keep ideas simple and get feedback
- be organised and prepare the practical stuff eg costumes/props
- always shoot extra footage starting with the bigger bigger picture then you can edit it later
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