Tuesday, 25 January 2011

case study quotes for new/digital media

Marshall McLuhan (understanding media the extensions of a man) -'the medium is the message'

The medium is the message: an inventory of effects -'The medium, or process, of out time electric technology is reshaping and restructuring patterns of social interdependence and every aspect of our personal life. It is forcing us to reconsider and re-evaluate practically, every thought, every reaction.'

'the future of the book is the blurb'

'as technology advances, it reverses the characteristics of every situation again and again. The age of automation is going to be the age of 'do it yourself' -1957

Language is a process of free creation; its laws and principles are fixed, but the manner in which the principles of generation are used is free and infinitely varied. Even the interpretation and use of words involves a process of free creation.
-Noam Chomsky

Karl Marx (1875 critique of the gotha programme
In a higher phase of communist society... only then can the narrow horizon of bourgeois right be fully left behind and society inscribe on its banners: from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.

Gramsci (selections from cultural writing,1985) Nothing is fixed , riggid or definitive and nothing ever will be.

Karl Marx In bourgeois society capital is independent and has individuality, while the living person is dependent and has no individuality. ...( can link it to celeb culture of people following eg people following celebs on twitter)

'The rich will do anything for the poor but get off their backs.' ( can link it to the lack of privacy of celeb culture)

The production of too many useful things results in too many useless people.'